Have a great weekend and try this online pumpkin carving. Click Here
HALLOWEEN PARADE 2:00 P.M.- MONDAY- Please do not wear costumes with masks or weapons.
Sixth Grade party 1:00 P.M
Read 20 minutes and record your time.
Planner signed
RC card signed and returned 10-31
Reading: WS339+340 due Monday before the spelling test. Tuesday, bring the book you read for the October genre, Mystery or Science Fiction. We will be doing the book reports in class so the book needs to be there. I will be giving specific instruction on what is required for book reports.
Language Arts: Five paragraph essay: "Causes of Good Grades" Due: 11/14. Students should be working 5-10 minutes every night on www.myaccess.com
Math: Remembering 2-3 and the quadrilateral worksheet Due 10/31
Science: We need parent volunteers for our fieldtrip Nov. 30. Parents will need to finger printed.
Soc. Studies: The Wall/Heading are due on your GLOG by 10:00 tonight! Save as FINISHED. You will still be able to edit your Glog. All students should be researching their topic and taking notes on notepaper. Hand-written notes are due Nov. 7, 2011. DO NOT just copy! That is a form a cheating!