Read 20 minutes and record your time.
Planner signed
Reading: Played "Sparkle" and worked on 2 worksheets the whole class time in preparation of tests (spelling, vocabulary, and comprehension) tomorrow. WS 308+310 and WS 314+315 due 10/12.
Language Arts: DOL Sentences #3-4 Due: 10/12. Copy paragraph Due: 10/12. Grammar Wkst. (one side only) Due: 10/12. Memorize poem "The Road Not Taken." Due: Monday, October 17.
Math: We continued working on the area of a right triangle. The homework is pg 49-50 in the math workbook.
Science: Homework is to complete all the planet pages and it is due on October 26th -- Wednesday. Also due is the poster on October 27
Soc. Studies: Mesopotamia Research Due tomorrow! 1. GRAPES notes 2. Hand-written rough draft of a summary- It should be first proofread by the student with a red pen and then by someone older- preferably an adult. Remember that the assignment is to write a summary not a report. 3. The summary should be typed in an easy to read format. Use a 14 pt. font. All three parts are due together. Late work will not be accepted for a grade. Students will still be held accountable to do the work, but they will receive a 0%.
Today students built temples for their ancient civilizations. Students were creative and cooperative. They compromised and practiced Habit 4: Think Win-Win. It was sure fun to see their finished products!