There are many important forms, releases, and other documents for you to read and sign. Please return them as soon as possible with your student. It's also very important for the sixth grade teachers to have a current email address and phone number. Please, make sure that we have that information.
INTERNET SAFETY: We are suggesting using the following site for discussing with your student the importance of being safe online.
VOLUNTEERS: We will need volunteers throughout the year to help with our sixth grade activities such as our Renaissance Fair/banquet, Chivalry Day, our December service project, field day, science fair, and hopefully a fieldtrip. (Volunteers for a fieldtrip must have a background check.) Parents can also help us by listening to the students read, correcting papers, tutoring and helping with other classroom tasks. Each class will need a head room parent that can coordinate help for each activity. The PTA will also need volunteers to help out with holiday activities and other services to the school.
A packet of information was sent home in May, 2011. Here are some highlights of that information.
You are not required to purchase supplies. Classroom supplies will be provided at school for students to share. This is just a list for those who are interested in buying their own. Please, be sure to label your property.
#2 lead pencils
highlighter pen
scissors (especially if you are left-handed)
48 count crayons (Please, don't bring larger boxes.)
colored pencils
water base broad line markers
black fine line marker
glue sticks (Please, no fancy colors, glitters, etc.)
red ink pens
zipper pouch for pencils/pens (Pouches are better than boxes.)
box of Kleenex
folders for organization (Students found that accordion type folders were helpful.)
back pack
Sixth grade students will start out each day with their home base teacher for roll and lunch count. They will then rotate every 45 minutes to the various classes.
8:25 am School starts. Students will be considered tardy at 8:30 am.
8:45-11:10 Classes 1, 2, and 3
11:15 Recess
11:35 Class 4
12:30 Lunch
1:20 Class 5
2:10 Art, Music, P.E. [CAMP: Computers, Art, Music, P.E.] (Music will be every Tuesday with the whole 6th grade.)
Students will have COMPUTERS and MEDIA CENTER time on Fridays.
Students will be given time in each class to write down the daily assignment in their planner. They will need to be responsible to turn in their work every day for each class. When they are absent, they should check the blog for the assignment that they missed.
All students will have the responsibility of writing daily assignments in the planner and sharing the day's events at the time of getting the signature from a parent. Students will need their planner signed each night.
Students will have a weekly responsibility card that will track daily missing assignments and the classroom behavior. This must be signed by a parent each weekend and brought back on Monday. Every three weeks, students who have less than three marks on the RC card will be able to attend a special activity. Those who have 30 or less marks for the whole year will earn the Responsibility Award.
Award winners will have special privileges for the last few weeks of school including but not limited to playing in the annual softball game with the teachers.
In sixth grade, our main form of communication is the sixth grade blog. We will post updated information for parents and homework assignments each night. On our blog, we will also share pictures, summaries of class activities, instructional YouTube video clips, links to educational sites and other activities for the students.