Social Studies

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Mesopotamia Research

Using G.R.A.P.E.S., use the websites below to take notes.  Remember, notes should be short facts in your own words.  After you have notes for each part of the GRAPES acronym, write a paragraph to summarize your research. Type your paragraph in an easy to read 14 pt. font.
Geography (What was the land like? mountains? rivers?), Religion (What did they believe?), Achievements (What inventions and advancements did they make?),  Politics (type of government- Who was the leader?), Economics (money, bartering, trading), Social Structures (Who were the most important people in their society? the least important?)

Remember to visit ALL of the websites.

#1 Mesopotamia #1
#2 Mesopotamia #2
#3 Mesopotamia #3
#4 Mesopotamia #4
#5 Mesopotamia #5

This assignment is due Oct. 12. (Your notes and your typed paragraph are due during class.)


Tune "My Favorite Things" (verse 1 and 2) c. Carolyn Bona

Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan
Turkey and Syria, Iraq and Iran
The Island of Cyprus, Lebanon, Israel
I'm learning the countries of Asia, you can tell

Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and tiny Kuwait
Bahrain and Qatar, the United Emiriates
Yemen's by Africa, Oman's by the sea
I'm up to 18 Asian coun-tries.

Just below Russia, there's Kazakhstan
There's Uzbek and Turkmen, just add the --istan
Then Kyrgyz, Tajik, Afghan, and Pak-istan
And to the west in the country Iran.

Nepal, Bhutan, India, the island Sri Lanka
Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia
Laos west of Vietnam, Philippines on the East
Learning these countries is really a beast.

Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore
And the Isles of Indonesia
The Islands of Japan, and North, South Korea
Mongolia, China, we end at Taiwan
We're finally done with our Asian Song.


(Here are a few mnemonics to get you started with learning the countries of Africa. Look at a map of Africa as you learn the memory helps.)

Africa is M A L E in three ways:
M orroco A lgeria L ibya E gypt
M auritania
M ali

A N N (A=Algeria N=Niger N=Nigeria) and C ameroon went to the movie C ongo and were kicked out for Gabbin'(Gabon) through the movie.

S A M M is a B R U T (Sam is a brute) S A=South Africa M=Mozambique (follow northern border point to small countries) M=Malawi B=Burundi R=Rwanda U=Uganda T=Tanzania


hill, mountain, plateau, plain, volcano, gulf, bay, isthmus, peninsula, strait, mesa, butte, archipelago, fjord, desert, island, delta, basin, source, tributary, lake, glacier, mountain range, harbor, ocean, oasis


: a large body of land
hemisphere: hemi is a Greek word for half- hemisphere means "half of a sphere"
equator: imaginary line dividing the northern and southern hemisphere
cardinal directions: north, south, east, west
intermediate directions: northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest
compass rose: a drawing that shows direction
scale: tells you how much smaller the distance on a map is compared with the actual distance
symbols: anything that stands for something else
map key: tells what the symbols stand for
locator: shows where the subject area of the main map is located
political map: shows information such as countries, states, cities, and other important political features
physical map: shows Earth's natural features
elevation map: uses color to show height of land above sea level
historical map: shows information about the past or where past events took place
distribution map: shows how things such as language, religion, population, and rainfall are distributed throughout an area

No extra credit today but keep checking the blog. :)