Sixth graders going to middle school must keep lunch money in their account. Any money left in their account will be transferred to their middle school account, but an account owing money will not transfer. This makes it necessary to require money in the account in order to eat. This is district policy anyway, but the Lunch Bunch at Elk Meadows doesn't want students to be hungry. Thanks for being aware of this policy.
Read 20 minutes, record
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Sixth graders going to middle school must keep lunch money in their account. Any money left in their account will be transferred to their middle school account, but an account owing money will not transfer. This makes it necessary to require money in the account in order to eat. This is district policy anyway, but the Lunch Bunch at Elk Meadows doesn't want students to be hungry. Thanks for being aware of this policy.
Read 20 minutes, record
Planner signed
Reading: Read during class, Kids Discover World War II. Questions will be given on Tuesday 5/8, due to correct on Wednesday 5/9.
Math (Boehme): Worksheet 8-8 due 5/8.
Math (Boehme): Worksheet 8-8 due 5/8.