Thank you for checking the blog! Here's something fun for you to do.
Progress Notes were sent home today!
Read 20 minutes and record your time.
Planner signed.
Progress notes signed and returned. Please make sure that there is a signature for each class. There will be a total of four signatures.
Reading: WS 311-312 due tomorrow, Oct. 11.
Language Arts: DOL Sentences #1-2 Due: 10/11. Trace paragraph with red pen. Due: 10/11. Memorize poem "The Road Not Taken" by Monday, October 17. That is only one week away. Remember to practice saying it LOUD, SLOW, CLEAR, and with EXPRESSION. It's worth 100 points.
Math: NO homework tonight, but here is a fun review of unit 1: Practice proportions here.
For 5 extra credit points, write a quick note saying that you played the game and give it to me in math tomorrow.
Science: Homework is to read "Earth is Not the Center of the Universe" and check it off on the paper. Be sure to highlight or underline the important points. This is due tomorrow -- Tuesday.
Homework due October 27th is to make a half poster that goes with the 10 Facts you wrote about. It will be used for the STAR PARTY on October 27th.
And by the way -- the interesting facts you shared today were amazing!!!
Soc. Studies: G.R.A.P.E.S. research paper notes, rough draft, and typed summary about Mesopotamia due Wednesday, October 12. Click on the Social Studies tab for details about the assignment.
Scary Books to Read
The Ghost of Crutchfield Hall by Mary Downing Hahn
Skeleton Creek by Patrick Carman