Read 20 minutes and record your time
Planner signed
Reading: "Amelia" comprehension and vocabulary test tomorrow, 9/15. The Autobiography Project was passed out and discussed today. The bottom part of the purple note is due Monday, 9/19. The completed project, which counts for the September book genre report, will be due Monday, October 3rd.
Math: Compare Prices- Activity card 1-6. If students did not finish this in class, they need to complete it at home. Due: Sept. 14.
Social Studies: 80th birthday party paragraph due 9-15. Maps page 4 due 9-15. Join in the conversation online after watching the CNN Student News.
Science: Read about Venus and Mars. Write two complete sentences about each planet in cursive.
Quote of the Day: In all things, success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure. Confucius
Sharpen the Saw!