Thursday, September 22, 2011

September 22, 2011

What is the name of your pet?... at


Read 20 minutes and record your time.
Planner signed

Math: Math 4 Today worksheet: Week #3 and Practice 11 pg. 14 due Friday, Sept. 23.

Soc. Studies:  Quiz Tuesday. Go here Watch the CNN Student News. Write one sentence about something that you learned.  CNN Student News
This assignment is not due until next week.

Language Arts: DOL Sentences #1-6 Due: 9/26. Also, our school's Vehicle Day went longer than expected, so 5-6 students in each rotation were not able to pass off their  "Our Classroom Code" Presentations.  They will do their presentations on Monday, September 26.

Reading: Since Vehicle Day went longer than planned, students have all weekend to watch commercials and observe the ways they try to get you to do or buy something. Study your spelling words for the spelling test on Monday. Work on your Autobiography Project some so that you can have it completed by October 3rd.