Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January 31, 2012


Read 20 minutes and record your time.
Planner signed

Reading: Finish "The Horses of the Sun", "Star Myth", and "White Goddess of the Moon"

Language Arts:  Essay test this week on myaccess.com.  The persuasive essay topic is "The Ideal Winter Getaway." Students may only use what they write on their essay outlines at home, to help them as they write at school. The essays must be completed at school.  If a student is absent, it will be their responsibility to arrange a makeup writing session for the test.

Keyboarding:  Edutype should be back up and running. Practice 5 minutes.

Workbook pg. 186 14 and 15

Work on your Science Fair Project.

Social Studies: 
Review your study guide/map a little each night to prepare for the ancient Greece TEST. Continue working on your QUESTS and Challenges for XP. Record your XP on your tracker once you know the amount. Tonight you may add your points from Manga High. Gold Medal=10 pts. ea. Silver Medal=5 pts. ea. Bronze Medal=2 pts. each. You may continue playing the games on Manga High for medals, but they will not count for XP.

To find the QUESTS/Challenges follow these directions:

1.  On the left side of the page, under your picture, click BY TEACHERS.
2.  On the right side of the page, you'll see the word, TAGS. Click on Tags.
3.  Find the word SHARED and click on the word.
4.  You will see QUESTS/Challenges. Click on that and all of the posts with QUESTS and  Challenges will show on your page.
5.  Make sure to follow the directions for each QUEST or Challenge carefully for XP.


Book Reports/Genres

Book reports for the first part of 6th grade have been required for September (your autobiography), October (mystery/science fiction), and November (non-fiction/informational text). Book reports are not required now; however, I would suggest that students continue to read books from the monthly genre to complete book reports for the Fantastic Falcon:

_____ 15. (2)  Complete one book report from six of the following eight genres:  autobiography/biography, realistic fiction, adventure, mystery, historical or historical fiction, fantasy or folktale, animals or sports, science fiction, or reference (non-fiction).

The italicized genres have been done. The underlined are open still.

6th Grade Genre Suggestions for Reading Minutes:

August/September                    Autobiography/Biography
October                                  Mystery/Science Fiction
November                                Non-Fiction/Informational Text
December                                Choice
January                                  Folktales (Myths, Legends, Fantasy)
February                                 Historical Fiction
March                                     Realistic Fiction
April                                      Drama/Plays
May                                        Poetry

Book Reports
Book reports are typed or written in cursive. The title, author, illustrator, genre, and number of pages should be organized on the front cover (your name, too). The next page should have an introduction of the main characters. Then, summarize the book (minimum one full page typed, two pages cursive). Lastly, give your opinion of the book (Did you like it? Why/why not?). The LAST DAY to turn in book reports for Fantastic Falcon is APRIL 30.