Tuesday, January 10, 2012

January 10, 2012

After reading about music, we spent a few minutes playing the theme from "Star Wars" on tone bells and boomwhackers.


Read 20 minutes and record your time.
Planner signed

Keyboarding:  Practice for a minimum of five (5) minutes. The school district's keyboarding test date has changed! The first test  will be this Friday! Practice!

Science:  I only have 28 2-Liter pop bottles.  I need 75 by Friday!  Please send your empty, rinsed, label-removed 2-Liter pop bottles to school this week.  If I do no receive enough, the groups for the activity will be bigger making it more difficult for all students to participate.

Soc. Studies:  CNN report sentence due Thursday on www.edmodo.com

Manga High:  Participate in Manga High AFTER your regular homework is finished.

Language Arts: DOL Sentences #6-7 due: 1/12.  Memorize poem: "Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening."  Due: 1/23.  Remember to practice saying it LOUD, SLOW, and CLEAR.