Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January 31, 2012


Read 20 minutes and record your time.
Planner signed

Reading: Finish "The Horses of the Sun", "Star Myth", and "White Goddess of the Moon"

Language Arts:  Essay test this week on myaccess.com.  The persuasive essay topic is "The Ideal Winter Getaway." Students may only use what they write on their essay outlines at home, to help them as they write at school. The essays must be completed at school.  If a student is absent, it will be their responsibility to arrange a makeup writing session for the test.

Keyboarding:  Edutype should be back up and running. Practice 5 minutes.

Workbook pg. 186 14 and 15

Work on your Science Fair Project.

Social Studies: 
Review your study guide/map a little each night to prepare for the ancient Greece TEST. Continue working on your QUESTS and Challenges for XP. Record your XP on your tracker once you know the amount. Tonight you may add your points from Manga High. Gold Medal=10 pts. ea. Silver Medal=5 pts. ea. Bronze Medal=2 pts. each. You may continue playing the games on Manga High for medals, but they will not count for XP.

To find the QUESTS/Challenges follow these directions:

1.  On the left side of the page, under your picture, click BY TEACHERS.
2.  On the right side of the page, you'll see the word, TAGS. Click on Tags.
3.  Find the word SHARED and click on the word.
4.  You will see QUESTS/Challenges. Click on that and all of the posts with QUESTS and  Challenges will show on your page.
5.  Make sure to follow the directions for each QUEST or Challenge carefully for XP.


Book Reports/Genres

Book reports for the first part of 6th grade have been required for September (your autobiography), October (mystery/science fiction), and November (non-fiction/informational text). Book reports are not required now; however, I would suggest that students continue to read books from the monthly genre to complete book reports for the Fantastic Falcon:

_____ 15. (2)  Complete one book report from six of the following eight genres:  autobiography/biography, realistic fiction, adventure, mystery, historical or historical fiction, fantasy or folktale, animals or sports, science fiction, or reference (non-fiction).

The italicized genres have been done. The underlined are open still.

6th Grade Genre Suggestions for Reading Minutes:

August/September                    Autobiography/Biography
October                                  Mystery/Science Fiction
November                                Non-Fiction/Informational Text
December                                Choice
January                                  Folktales (Myths, Legends, Fantasy)
February                                 Historical Fiction
March                                     Realistic Fiction
April                                      Drama/Plays
May                                        Poetry

Book Reports
Book reports are typed or written in cursive. The title, author, illustrator, genre, and number of pages should be organized on the front cover (your name, too). The next page should have an introduction of the main characters. Then, summarize the book (minimum one full page typed, two pages cursive). Lastly, give your opinion of the book (Did you like it? Why/why not?). The LAST DAY to turn in book reports for Fantastic Falcon is APRIL 30.

Monday, January 30, 2012

January 30, 2012


Read 20 minutes and record your time.
Planner signed

Reading:  Passed out information on book reports. Here's what it said:

Book Reports/Genres

Book reports for the first part of 6th grade have been required for September (your autobiography), October (mystery/science fiction), and November (non-fiction/informational text). Book reports are not required now; however, I would suggest that students continue to read books from the monthly genre to complete book reports for the Fantastic Falcon:

_____ 15. (2)  Complete one book report from six of the following eight genres:  autobiography/biography, realistic fiction, adventure, mystery, historical or historical fiction, fantasy or folktale, animals or sports, science fiction, or reference (non-fiction).

The italicized genres have been done. The underlined are open still.

6th Grade Genre Suggestions for Reading Minutes:

August/September                    Autobiography/Biography
October                                  Mystery/Science Fiction
November                                Non-Fiction/Informational Text
December                                Choice
January                                  Folktales (Myths, Legends, Fantasy)
February                                 Historical Fiction
March                                     Realistic Fiction
April                                      Drama/Plays
May                                        Poetry

Book Reports
Book reports are typed or written in cursive. The title, author, illustrator, genre, and number of pages should be organized on the front cover (your name, too). The next page should have an introduction of the main characters. Then, summarize the book (minimum one full page typed, two pages cursive). Lastly, give your opinion of the book (Did you like it? Why/why not?). The LAST DAY to turn in book reports for Fantastic Falcon is APRIL 30.

Language Arts: Essay test this week on myaccess.com.  The persuasive essay topic is "The Ideal Winter Getaway." Students may only use what they write on their essay outlines at home, to help them as they write at school. The essays must be completed at school.  If a student is absent, it will be their responsibility to arrange a makeup writing session for the test.

Keyboarding:  Use KBK tonight for practice.

Math: Page 182 in the student workbook

Science:  Sound Review Packet and study for the Sound Test which will be tomorrow!  1/31

Social Studies:  Continue working on your QUESTS and Challenges in order to earn points and LEVEL UP. Remember that these are options. You are choosing how to best learn the information about ancient Greece.  Tomorrow is the last day to earn medals from Manga High for XP. You'll still be able to earn medals, but not for XP. All of the QUESTS and Challenges are on Edmodo

To find the QUESTS/Challenges follow these directions:

1.  On the left side of the page, under your picture, click BY TEACHERS.
2.  On the right side of the page, you'll see the word, TAGS. Click on Tags.
3.  Find the word SHARED and click on the word.
4.  You will see QUESTS/Challenges. Click on that and all of the posts with QUESTS and  Challenges will show on your page.
5.  Make sure to follow the directions for each QUEST or Challenge carefully for XP.


Bill Gates singled MangaHigh out in his 2012 Annual Letter: 'Manga High [is] successfully delivering fun, competitive, game-based lessons that drive greater engagement and understanding.'  

Annual Letter from Bill Gates 2012 Click HERE
Excerpt follows:

Social networking is one of the most promising areas, because it helps teachers and students connect in ways that naturally augment what’s going on in the classroom. Services that use social networking, like Edmodo, are really starting to take off because teachers can manage all aspects of the classroom using a platform with which most people are comfortable.
A teacher works with her student in a school that’s partnering with Khan Academy
A teacher works with her student in a school that’s partnering with Khan Academy
(Los Altos, CA, 2011).
©Khan Academy
I’m also excited to see more and more schools “flip” the classroom so that passive activities like lectures are done outside of class and in-class time is used for more collaborative and personal interactions between students and teachers. Khan Academy is a great example of a free resource that any teacher can use to take full advantage of class time and make sure all students advance at their own pace.
Great work is also being done by companies that are thinking beyond simply digitizing textbooks. CK-12 Foundation, Udemy, and Ednovo have great teacher- and community–generated content. A simple example of how powerful the community can be in this area is TeachersPayTeachers, a marketplace that facilitates the sharing and exchanging of lesson plans and other materials developed by teachers themselves.
We’re also just starting to see how impactful gaming can be in an educational context. MangaHigh and Grockit are successfully delivering fun, competitive, game-based lessons that drive greater engagement and understanding. Zoran Popovic, at University of Washington’s Center for Game Science, is taking this even further through some amazing work creating games that automatically adapt to each student’s unique needs based on their interactions with the computer.

Slide Show of Ancient Greeks

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Reminder: Clean out your backpacks! You're loading them down with too much "stuff"! You should only have a folder for organization, a pencil pouch for supplies, and a library book. The only book that should be going back and forth from school to home is your math workbook.  Lighten your load!

Parents: Please, check with your student about supplies. There are many students coming unprepared with a pencil, red pen, and coloring pencils. Thank you!

Donations:  We currently are in need of more tissues, pencils, red pens, colored pencils, and Clorox (type) wipes. Thank you for all of your help and support.

Friday, January 27, 2012

January 27, 2012

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Make a difference! Apply for $1,000 grant from Disney for your project. 

Click Here 


Read 20 minutes and record your time.
Planner signed
RC Card signed and returned Monday, Jan. 30

Reading:  Seasons 28-31 Apollo 36-39

Language Arts:  No homework.  Students are encouraged to spend some extra time on Manga High. This round of competition ends on Tuesday.

Keyboarding:  Make sure that you have completed your 25 minutes of required practice in Edutype.

Math:  Homework and Remembering 5-3

Science:  Work on your Science Fair Project.

Social Studies:  Speeches on Monday. Bring some clean grapes to munch on during the speeches. Work on your QUESTS and Challenges for XP. Use your Study Guide/Map to start studying for the TEST a little bit at a time.

HEADS UP- Students will need a simple costume for our Renaissance Faire the last part of March. Please don't spend a lot of money for a costume, but start thinking about what you would like to wear.

Be No. 1... Give to Public Schools in Need! - Go to DonorsChoose.org

 Sixth Graders at the Falcon Academy are On FIRE! They are working as a team to maintain or improve their position in the Manga High math challenge. It takes the effort of EVERYONE to compete against the larger schools. Sixth Graders are HOT!!! This round will end January 31, 2012. Will our sixth graders be able to move to third place?

Thursday, January 26, 2012

January 26, 2012

‘Legend says A young Sparta boy once stole a live fox, planning to kill it and eat it. He noticed some Spartan soldiers approaching. In ancient Sparta, students were encouraged to steal, but the trick was that you could not get caught stealing. If you were caught, you were severely beaten. As the soldiers approached, the boy hid the fox beneath his shirt.
While the soldiers quizzed him on why he was not in school, the boy let the fox chew into his stomach rather than confess he had stolen it. He did not allow his face or body to express his pain.
That was the Spartan way. Lie, cheat, steal, and get away with it, or else (you would be in big trouble!)’


Read 20 minutes and record your time.
Planner signed

Reading:  Seasons 28-31 Apollo 36-39

Language Arts:  No homework.

Keyboarding:  Practice your keyboarding skills 5 minutes each night or 25 minutes each week.

Math:  pg. 178

Science:  Work on your Science Fair project.

Art/Integrated Studies:  Prepositional Phrase Poster. This is NOT homework yet, but a project that students should work on in class.  Write a complete sentence that includes a prepositional phrase in each box. Underline the prepositional phrase. Draw and color an illustration with each sentence. There should be no white space. Do not use stick figures. Make sure that your poster is free of spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes. Include some of the ancient Greece vocabulary into some of your sentences. Strive to have a QUALITY project. This project should be finished in about two weeks.

Social Studies:  Symposium on Monday! Bring cleaned grapes to munch on while listening to speeches. Work on your challenges and QUESTS for XP.  All of the Challenges and QUESTS can be found on Edmodo right now. To find the QUESTS/Challenges follow these directions:

1.  On the left side of the page, under your picture, click BY TEACHERS or LATEST.
2.  On the right side of the page, you'll see the word, TAGS. Click on Tags.
3.  Find the word SHARED and click on the word.
4.  You will see QUESTS/Challenges. Click on that and all of the posts with QUESTS and   Challenges will show on your page.
5.  Make sure to follow the directions for each QUEST or Challenge carefully for XP.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sixth Graders Stink! (Well, sort of...)

 Please use deodorant and shower every day. Thank You!


Read 20 minutes and record your time.
Planner signed

Reading:  Color-Cut-Paste Put your cards in an envelope with your name on it. Due January 26. Myths- Fire 21-24 and Evil 25-27 due 1-26

Language Arts:  If you haven't presented your poem, keep practicing until you do.  Think about what character from a Greek myth you want to use for your next essay.

Keyboarding:  Practice your keyboarding skills at least five (5) minutes a day.

Math:  Remembering 5-2 and page 174 in the workbook.

Science:  Homework due tomorrow is the hypothesis and question -- typed.  Next week on Thursday is due the variables, step-by-step procedure, and list of materials.

Social Studies:  Study guides and maps are due tomorrow.  Work on your QUESTS and challenges to earn XP.  The different types of poetry are posted on Edmodo

Be No. 1... Give to Public Schools in Need! - Go to DonorsChoose.org

Help our sixth grade raise enough money to buy science supplies. Tell your friends, family, employers, and business associates. You can donate directly to Elk Meadows Sixth Grade. Look for the project called, "Bacteria On My Toothbrush?" Thank You!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Falcons Rank #4 in the North American Math Challenge!

Over 125 sixth graders have earned one or more medals from the Manga High math challenge. There was a tough battle last night between Elk Meadows and another larger school, but the Falcons pulled ahead and is now ranked #4! 


Read 20 minutes and record your time.
Planner signed

Reading: Gods/Goddesses color/cut/paste put in envelope with your name on it due 1/26.

Language Arts:  If you haven't presented your poem, keep practicing until you do.  Think about what character from a Greek myth you want to use for your next essay.

Math: Homework 5-2.  Due 1/25

Keyboarding:  Practice your keyboarding skills at least five (5) minutes each night.

Science:  Students did a great job on their box instrument!  Ask them to play a scale for you.  
Science Fair Question and Hypothesis are due Thursday 1/26.

Social Studies:  The Greece study guide and map are due on Thursday. Blog Challenge #1 is to write a poem. There are six different choices. The guidelines for each poem are on Edmodo.  Poems must be posted on your BLOG page. www.kidblog.org
Poems should be posted before the middle of February.
Symposium on Monday: Bring cleaned grapes and come prepared to speak. Option A: Impromtu Speaking (1 min. preparation 2 minute speech about a famous Greek quote) Option B:  Extemporaneous Speech (Watch CNN Student News each night and come prepared to discuss a current event.) Option C:  Oration: (Prepare a 6 min. speech about one of the 7 Habits).
QUEST: 150 XP  Make Vocabulary Flash Cards (word, definition, illustration) This is an option!

monarchy           isthmus              epic          acropolis          agora           assembly          ephors

democracy         demagogues       tragedy     comedy           lyric poem              lyres

alliance              helot                   sanctuary               architecture          myth           polis

philosopher          fable          stoa          oligarchy          chiton         tyrant          trireme

phalanx          pedagogue            oracle          barter          amphora

Other QUESTS include: Voki, Storybird, Screenr Newscast, Comix  You can find details on Edmodo.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Reading Test for 7th grade placement is coming up soon. A large part of the test will be vocabulary. Use the help from some pirates to build your vocabulary knowledge.


Read 20 minutes and record your time.
Planner signed

Reading: Notice mythology signs, pictures, and symbols.

Language Arts:  Be prepared to present your poem either tomorrow or Wednesday.

Keyboarding:  Practice your keyboarding skills at least five minutes. Links to KBK and Edutype are on the websites page.

Math:  Parent read and sign the note on Page 161.  Homework and Remembering Worksheet 5-1.

Science:  All students must have a shoe box tomorrow!  We are making an instrument on 1/24.

Social Studies:  Study Guide and map of Ancient Greece are due Thursday. Go to Edmodo to find QUESTS  The QUIZ is due by tomorrow. You may use your notes. To start your assigned blog entries, go to kidblog.org 
Impromtu speeches will be Monday, Jan. 30. You may bring cleaned grapes to munch on like the ancient Greeks did while listening to the speeches.
Progress Note needs to be signed and returned tomorrow!

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Elk Meadows Elementary just won its first Fai-To Challenge! Congratulations to all those students who participated. The top contributors for this challenge were the following students:
Baylie, Elliott, Dillan B., Ben, Mats, Austin S., Nathan, Morgan, Hadley, Sidnee, Lindsay, Lindsey, Tyler, and Kaitlyn T. Honorable mention: Bradley, Katherine, Alyssa, Jordan, Stephanie, James, Kaeleigh, Brooks, and Austin B. But....many students worked hard and contributed to our overall score. Way to Go!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

January 19, 2012

Falcon Academy Students Rank Sixth in the North
American Math Challenge! Students Are Ambassadors to the World and Represent our District, State, and Country. Excellence is our Students' Expectation!


Read 20 minutes and record your time.
Planner signed
RC card signed and returned Monday, January 23.

Reading:  A reading test for 7th grade placement is coming up soon. A large part of that test will be vocabulary. Practice building your vocabulary by playing Free Rice  It will help you build your vocabulary and also help the poorer countries with getting food.

Language Arts:  Memorize poem: "Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening."  Due: 1/23.  Remember to practice saying it LOUD, SLOW, and CLEAR.  The essay on myaccess.com
is open this weekend for any revisions. Any revisions should be completed before Monday morning.

Math: No homework.

Keyboarding:  Practice your keyboarding over the long weekend. The second test is coming up soon. Test scores affect 7th grade placement.

Science: Work on the Science Fair. If you have not started on your project, get started this weekend! You do NOT want to fall behind. This is not a school project that you can do at the last minute.

Social Studies:  Watch the video clips on Edmodo and familiarize yourself with the stories of the Trojan War and of Odysseus. Check Emodo often throughout the weekend to find QUESTS and other information that will help you to level up.

Manga High:  The long weekend is your chance to fight hard! You are doing a FANTASTIC job! Remember that you are now competing against the BIG schools (700+ students who are active players). Use the power of synergy. You will be able to accomplish a lot more by working together. Can we make the top five again?

Parents- Come and cheer for our kids and our school at the next school board meeting January 24 at 6:30. The location of the meeting is the Jordan School District office on Redwood Road. Wear our school colors/T-shirts! Let's show our School Spirit!

Be No. 1... Give to Public Schools in Need! - Go to DonorsChoose.org

Help our sixth grade raise enough money to buy science supplies. Tell your friends, family, employers, and business associates. You can donate directly to Elk Meadows Sixth Grade. Look for the project called, "Bacteria On My Toothbrush?" Thank You!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

January 18, 2012


South Jordan Middle School Registration Information
6th to 7th Grade Parent/Student Registration Meeting
Thursday, January 26
6:00 pm
Honors Testing- Friday, February 10, 8:00 AM, SJMS Cafeteria
For more information please go to SJMS website. Click Here  


Read 20 minutes and record your time.
Planner signed

Reading:  No homework.  Students were given two days in class to read and take notes on 2 1/2 pages of text. If that didn't get done, time was not used wisely. There will be a quiz tomorrow.

Language Arts:  Memorize poem: "Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening."  Due: 1/23.  Remember to practice saying it LOUD, SLOW, and CLEAR.

Math:  We took a test today, so there is no homework.

Science:   Homework due tomorrow -- typed research and bibliography pages. Follow the instructions and rubric given out last week. Homework due Jan. 26th -- typed purpose question and hypothesis . SAVE ALL YOUR WORK SO YOU CAN CHANGE IT LATER IF YOU NEED TO AND USE IT TO MAKE YOUR PROJECT BOARD.

Science Fair Help

Social Studies: No homework. Sometime in the near future, watch the two video clips on Edmodo and be able to tell the story of the Trojan War and Odysseus for a future quiz. Use the Social Studies time to work on your keyboarding and Manga High.

Keyboarding:  Practice your keyboarding skills on KBK or Edutype for at least five minutes.

Manga High:  Remember to work on Manga High AFTER all of your other homework is finished! The next round of the Fai-to has started. You did amazingly well last night! You are working as a team and just astonishing everyone! WOW! Keep up the great effort!

Get a free app to read the QR code. I-gnima is one but there are many others.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

January 17, 2012

Fai-To! RGS Newcastle

Read 20 minutes and record your time.
Planner signed

Language Arts:  Memorize poem: "Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening."  Due: 1/23.  Remember to practice saying it LOUD, SLOW, and CLEAR.
Math: Workbook Pages 159-160 Test Review.
Math test tomorrow on surface area.

Keyboarding:  Practice your keyboarding skills for at least five minutes each night.
Social Studies:  Help our Falcon Academy team in the Fai-To challenge! Work at least 10 minutes. Make sure you are choosing the assigned activities for credit. Finish ALL other homework before you work on Manga High.

Manga High:  
We are incredibly proud of our sixth graders in the MangaHigh world-wide math challenge! They worked all weekend and once again moved up the leaderboard from 11th place to 7th. One point is very hard to earn. Our sixth graders used SYNERGY and earned an astonishing 308 points over the weekend! Other schools came today confident of their ranking only to find Elk Meadows had pushed them lower or off the board. Congratulations Falcons! Your effort is inspiring. As of now, 107 students in sixth grade have won one or more medals! Our students are AMAZING!

Monday, January 16, 2012


Get ready for the Fai-To Challenge! Points will be tallied at the end of each day. Whoever scores the most points, earns a win for that day. The first school to win five days, wins! We are the challengers. Who do you want to challenge? RGS Newcastle from the United Kingdom or Waterford Public from Canada

Check Edmodo  for the details. Go! Fight! Win!

Friday, January 13, 2012

January 13, 2012

Come and cheer for Elk Meadows January 24! Mr. Griffith will be highlighting our school at the school board meeting. Place: Jordan School District Auxiliary Building 7905 S. Redwood Road, West Jordan. Time: 6:30 pm. Wear our school colors to show school pride. Go Falcons!

No School Monday--Fight Hard on Manga High! Let's see if we can get back into the top 10!


Read 20 minutes and record your time.
Planner signed
RC Card signed and returned Tuesday, Jan. 17. 

Reading:  Worksheet 134-135 due Tuesday.

Language Arts:  Memorize poem: "Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening."  Due: 1/23.  Remember to practice saying it LOUD, SLOW, and CLEAR.

Math:  Homework 4-4 and Remembering 4-4 due Tuesday

Science:  Thanks for all the 2-Liter bottles.  I have enough.  Fun activity planned for Tuesday!

Social Studies:  Make sure that your Greek pottery is colored. We will be finishing our art projects on Tuesday.

Be No. 1... Give to Public Schools in Need! - Go to DonorsChoose.org

Help our sixth grade raise enough money to buy science supplies. Tell your friends, family, employers, and business associates. You can donate directly to Elk Meadows Sixth Grade. Look for the project called, "Bacteria On My Toothbrush?" Thank You!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

January 12, 2012

Important Notice! Thursday, January 19, is the LAST day that late work will be accepted for this term.

Read 20 minutes and record your time.
Planner signed.

Reading:  Worksheet 134-135 due Tuesday.
Language Arts:   Memorize poem: "Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening."  Due: 1/23.  Remember to practice saying it LOUD, SLOW, and CLEAR.
Math:  Return signed progress note! Worksheet 4-3
Keyboarding:  Test #1 is tomorrow! Practice your keyboarding on KBK or Edutype for at least 10 minutes tonight. Pay particular attention to your posture and hand position on the keyboard. Links are on the website page.
Science:  Homework -- due next Thursday -- Bibliography page and Research page from the Science Fair Project.  Please turn in any missing Science Fair applications.  Be sure and don't get behind with the science fair project so it doesn't get overwhelming.
Social Studies:  Your Greek pottery must be colored by Tuesday. We will be finishing the art project in class on Tuesday.
Manga High:  You are on FIRE! Your sixth grade teachers, Mr. Griffith, and the whole staff at Elk Meadows are so incredibly PROUD of you EFFORT!  Your parents are equally as proud. Remember that we are competing against 1,000's of other schools! We are competing with schools with over 700 active players. We are competing with schools that have years of experience. We are the only school in Jordan School District that's involved in this world-wide math competition. You have shown the power of SYNERGY! We are a great team! Thank you for not only being great competitors, but also for being great sportsmen. You have cheered on our Indiana friends with as much enthusiasm as cheering for our school.That's impressive! Manga High is a TEST of skill, endurance, perseverance, effort, and teamwork. You're exhibiting all of those characteristics and more. Way to Go!

Parents- Come and cheer for our kids and our school at the next school board meeting January 24 at 6:30. The location of the meeting is the Jordan School District office on Redwood Road. Wear our school colors/T-shirts! Let's show our School Spirit!

Be No. 1... Give to Public Schools in Need! - Go to DonorsChoose.org

Help our sixth grade raise enough money to buy science supplies. Tell your friends, family, employers, and business associates. You can donate directly to Elk Meadows Sixth Grade. Look for the project called, "Bacteria On My Toothbrush?" Thank You!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

January 11, 2012

 Fai-To Competition! Whoever wins the most points at the end of the day will win for that day. We need to win five days in order to win the challenge. Do your best! Your regular homework comes first. But, when you're finished.....FIGHT HARD!


Read 20 minutes and record your time.

Planner signed

Reading:  No homework.

Language Arts:  Memorize poem: "Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening."  Due: 1/23.  Remember to practice saying it LOUD, SLOW, and CLEAR.

Pages 156-157, make one berry basket. In the workbook,due 1/11/12.

Science:  Moon phases/constellations paper and science fair project application due tomorrow.

Keyboarding:  The first test will be this Friday! Practice! Your test scores will affect the classes that you take in 7th grade.

Social Studies:  CNN sentence is due tomorrow.  If you choose to do it on Edmodo, it must be finished tonight.

Manga High:  We are now ranked #10. That's great! Let's try not to drop too far in the rankings. Fight back! Make sure that your other assignments are finished first.

Be No. 1... Give to Public Schools in Need! - Go to DonorsChoose.org

Help our sixth grade raise enough money to buy science supplies. Tell your friends, family, employers, and business associates. You can donate directly to Elk Meadows Sixth Grade. Look for the project called, "Bacteria On My Toothbrush?" Thank You!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

January 10, 2012

After reading about music, we spent a few minutes playing the theme from "Star Wars" on tone bells and boomwhackers.


Read 20 minutes and record your time.
Planner signed

Keyboarding:  Practice for a minimum of five (5) minutes. The school district's keyboarding test date has changed! The first test  will be this Friday! Practice!

Science:  I only have 28 2-Liter pop bottles.  I need 75 by Friday!  Please send your empty, rinsed, label-removed 2-Liter pop bottles to school this week.  If I do no receive enough, the groups for the activity will be bigger making it more difficult for all students to participate.

Soc. Studies:  CNN report sentence due Thursday on www.edmodo.com

Manga High:  Participate in Manga High AFTER your regular homework is finished.

Language Arts: DOL Sentences #6-7 due: 1/12.  Memorize poem: "Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening."  Due: 1/23.  Remember to practice saying it LOUD, SLOW, and CLEAR.

Monday, January 9, 2012

January 9, 2012


Read 20 minutes and record your time.
Planner signed

Reading: Myth WS 269+270 done during class and is homework if it didn't get completed.

Math:  Workbook pages 151-152.

Keyboarding:  Practice for a minimum of five (5) minutes. The school district's keyboarding test date has changed! It will be within the next two weeks. Practice!

Science:  I only have 24 2-Liter pop bottles.  I need 75 by Friday!  Please send your empty, rinsed, label-removed 2-Liter pop bottles to school this week.  If I do no receive enough, the groups for the activity will be bigger making it more difficult for all students to participate.

Soc. Studies:  Watch the CNN news report on edmodo  Write one sentence that explains how the study of archeology is changing. Make sure to proof your sentence before you submit it.

Manga High:  Work on Manga High AFTER your other homework is completed.

Wear your chiton/toga tomorrow (and every day) for our study of ancient Greece and Rome.

Be No. 1... Give to Public Schools in Need! - Go to DonorsChoose.org  
Help our sixth grade raise enough money to buy science supplies. Tell your friends, family, employers, and business associates. You can donate directly to Elk Meadows Sixth Grade. Look for the project called, "Bacteria On My Toothbrush?" Thank You!