Excellence is Our Expectation (Excellentia est nostrum prestolatio)
Friday, April 20, 2012
April 20, 2012
Read 20 minutes and record your time.
Planner signed
Reading: All "Passage to Freedom" pages are due by Monday, April 23. Voc WS 23, Spelling WS 29&30, Comp WS 24&25, and Quiz WS 26&27. Half back spelling due back also.
Language Arts: Final scores on the Leonardo DaVinci Essay Due: Monday, April 23. Pink Class: Parent essay note Due: 4/23.
Math: No assignment.
Math 2: Homework pg. 322 Student workbook pgs. 319-322. Due 4/17. Homework 8-2 due Monday. Workbook pages 323-326 due Monday.
Social Studies: "Night At the Museum" problem-solving assignment. The project is due May 18, 2012.
Science: No assignment.
Space Camp: Read your Space Camp Mission at Midnight Rescue website.
Science 2: There are several video clips on Edmodo to watch. For most video clips you will need to take notes and write a sentence or two about what you've learned and/or observations of the organisms. Check the Edmodo Calendar for all assignments and due dates. Click on "Assignments" to "Turn In" the assignments. Read each assignment very CAREFULLY so that you will do it correctly.
1. 5 Kingdoms due Monday- Take notes. Write three sentences about something that you learned.
2. Euglena/Volvox due Tuesday- Write one observation about Euglena. Write two facts about
Flagella and Cilia.
3. Mold due Wednesday- Write one sentence about something that you observed.
4. Decay due Wednesday- Write one sentence about something that you observed.
5. Fungi due April 30- Take notes. Write one sentence about something that you learned.
6. Algae/Spirogyra due May 1- Take notes. Write two sentences about something that you learned.
Experiment with the PIXTON app on your Edmodo page. It's at the top by "SEARCH". Be prepared for your upcoming science/technology project by becoming familiar with the program.
Keyboarding: Practice five minutes a night or 25 minutes this week. You should have a total of 160 minutes by Monday morning. Take one 5 minute TIMED TEST.
Mangahigh: You have some specific Prodigi lessons and games to complete for math/science. They are the following:
1. Interpreting Raw Data due next Thursday
Complete the LESSON before playing the game. You MUST earn a Bronze medal to pass off this assignment! Repeat each lesson/game until you have earned a Bronze medal. Look at the solutions to the problems that you miss. Use the hints. Learn from your mistakes and improve your score.
The due dates are on Edmodo for each Manga activity.