Read 20 minutes and record your time.
Planner signed
Reading: The Twelve Labors of Hercules due tomorrow, 2/8. Whatever wasn't completed in class would be homework.
Math: Page 197-198 # 17-22
I will be accepting money for the calculator order through Thursday.
Keyboarding: Practice five (5) minutes each day on Edutype
Science: Sound Test Fixes for Extra Credit (optional) – Due February 10
On a separate piece of paper, write the number of the question to fix and make the changes as listed below. Staple the fixes to the front of the original test. Turn in to Mrs. Boehme by Friday, February 10.
True/False: Rewrite false statements to be true. Explain why true statements are true.
Multiple Choice: Explain why the answer you chose was wrong.
Matching: Write correct letter.
Short Answer: Write the missing or incorrect part of your answer.
Work on your Science Fair Project.Social Studies: Blog posts #1-3 are due tomorrow. Post #4 is due on Thursday. Check Edmodo for a grade. If you don't have a grade, you don't have credit. Go to Kid Blog and check for comments. You will probably need to do some revising in order to get credit. Use the spell checker! Make sure to have capital letters in your title. Proof your post BEFORE you publish it for points. You should be studying your STUDY GUIDE a little each night to prepare for the TEST. Watch the two video clips on Edmodo and take notes. After you watch both video clips, click TURN IN for the assignment. Do not type DONE in a reply. You will not get credit.