Christmas Concert for Parents on Thursday, December 22!
1:30 PM in the auditorium
Read 20 minutes and record your time.
Planner signed.
Students may bring traditional Santa hats and sunglasses for the program on Thursday.
The teachers have gifts for all sixth grade students, which we will be handing out on Friday. If your child is not going to be at school on Friday, please send a note or email to your child's homebase teacher, and your child can be given his/her present early, but ONLY with a note from a parent.
Reading: No homework.
Language Arts: Preposition Quiz #5 tomorrow, December 21. Students should have ALL prepositions memorized for the quiz. The essay, "A Manned Mission To Mars," is due on Wednesday, December 21. Also, students will need to hand in their pink essay outline on Wednesday.
Math: Workbook pages 134-136 due 12/21.
Science: Finished Sound Science Court. Mrs. Boehme found a stack of uncorrected papers in a corrected stack! They are the Sound Vocabulary. Please check Skyward after 4:00 to see if you child is missing this assignment. If so, please complete the following words with definition and an example and turn in as soon as possible. Watch the video below. This is a great example of PITCH.
Sound vocabulary: absorption, amplitude, frequency, medium, pitch, sound, vibration, wavelength
Social Studies: QUIZ Thursday! Go to edmodo to see today's assignment and details about the quiz.