Students are doing a great job of rotating, lining up quietly, paying attention in class, and following directions. Way to go sixth graders!
Read 20 minutes
Planner signed due Aug. 31.
Reading: Record your independent reading minutes in your planner.
Math: Worksheet- Remembering 1-1 and Homework 1-1 Due Tomorrow Aug 31st
Language Arts: "Sharp Student": Two wksts. with small picture of student for writing folder. Due: Tuesday, 9/6.
Science: Students will need a shoebox in January.
Soc. Studies: Archeological Dig/Watch third video after clicking the Soc. Studies tab. It's about a 2 min. rap about longitude and latitude.
Today we learned and practiced the definitions for the following:
archeologist artifact geography
We also learned the 7 continents, 5 oceans, and about longitude and latitude.
We integrated some technology and learned how to use the clickers today. It was fun and funny that nearly everyone "failed" the quiz. But as we say in class when someone makes a mistake, "It's cool!"
Students will need some play-dough on Thursday.
Important* Please remember to sign and return the various notes to school. A lot of students forgot to bring the permission note to use the Internet. (green paper)
Back to School Night- Thursday, September 1.
Thank You parents for donating tissues, sanitizer, and other supplies! With so many budget cuts, we really appreciate whatever you can donate.