Friday, March 30, 2012

March 30, 2012

Fai-To With Australia! Everyone Fight for Elk Meadow's Pride!


Read 20 minutes and record your time.
Planner signed
RC card signed and returned on Monday, April 2, 2012

Reading:  ALL Middle Ages notes on readings and videos due on Monday, 4/2. Please make sure they are in order, stapled, and have your name in the top right-hand corner of the first page.

Language Arts:  DOL #3.4.5.due 4/2

Keyboarding:  You need to have 100 minutes of Edutype practice before Monday morning. This is part of your technology grade. Cards will be marked for an incomplete assignment.  Edutype

Math:  Work on your Mangahigh assignment.

Science:  Read "Bacteria" pgs. 18, 20, 21, 22 and underline the most important information by Monday. Watch the three video clips on

Social Studies:  Chivalry Day on Tuesday. Wear your best dress.

Mangahigh: You have some specific Prodigi lessons and games to complete for science. They are the following:

1. Recognize Measurement is Approximate
2. Record Measurements
3. Metric Units
4. Bar Charts
5. Interpret Events Over Time

Complete the LESSON before playing the game. You MUST earn a Bronze medal to pass off this assignment! Repeat each lesson/game until you have earned a Bronze medal.  Look at the solutions to the problems that you miss. Use the hints. Learn from your mistakes and improve your score.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

March 29, 2012


Read 20 minutes and record your time.
Planner signed

Reading:  ALL Middle Ages notes on readings and videos due on Monday, 4/2. Please make sure they are in order, stapled, and have your name in the top right-hand corner of the first page.

Language Arts:  DOL #3.4.5.due 4/2

Keyboarding:  You need 100 minutes of keyboarding practice before Monday morning.

Math: Homework and Remembering 7-4 and puzzled penguin pg 280

Science:  No assignment.

Science 2:  Watch the science videos and take notes.

Social Studies:  Chivalry Day on Tuesday. Remember to wear your best dress. Girls should wear dresses, or skirts. Boys should wear long, nice pants and a shirt/tie or a sweater. Shorts are NOT allowed. Dressing up is part of your Social Studies grade.

Mangahigh:  Congratulations to those students who are really fighting hard in the Fai-to!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

March 28, 2012

Day of Chivalry- Tuesday- Wear Your Best Dress!


Read 20 minutes and record your time.
Planner signed

Reading:  "Black Death" reading comprehension

Language Arts:  DOL 1-2 due tomorrow.

Math:  Homework and Remembering 7-3  Due 3/29

Science:  Homework due tomorrow -- finish reading "50 Years of Americans in Space" and highlight at least one thing in each paragraph.

Science 2:  Watch the video clips on Edmodo. Take good notes for a future test. 

Social Studies:  Day Of Chivalry is Tuesday. Wear your BEST DRESS!  If you were absent today, you will need to make-up "Chivalry" comprehension sometime during recess. Option: Bring a banana tomorrow for an activity.

Keyboarding:  You need 100 minutes of keyboarding practice by Monday morning.

Mangahigh:  We are in a Fai-to with a school in Australia. Everyone should be doing their part to help our school.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Renaissance/Fantasy Faire March 27, 2012

 Renaissance Faire Check the blog later for pictures.


Read 20 minutes and record your time.
Planner signed.

You need 100 minutes of keyboarding practice before Monday. Cards will be marked on Monday for incomplete assignments.

Make sure that you are prepared for all of your classes tomorrow.

Monday, March 26, 2012

March 26, 2012

Renaissance/Fantasy Faire Tomorrow!


Read 20 minutes and record your time.
Planner signed

Reading:  No assignment.

Language Arts:  No assignment.

Keyboarding:  Practice five (5) minutes each night or 25 minutes each week. You should have 100 minutes by Monday morning. Cards will be marked for an incomplete assignment.

Math:  No assignment.

Math 2:  No assignment. Make sure that you've turned in pg. 263-264 and corrected  pgs. 265-266.

Mangahigh:  Practice a little every night. Make sure that you are doing the math LESSONS and not just the games.

Social Studies:  Renaissance Faire tomorrow! Come dressed and ready to participate. Don't forget your Kool-Aid play-dough Parents:  Thank you for volunteering to help us out. We will need you sometime between 12-12:30. Thank You!

Congratulations to the following students who completed the knightly QUEST and leveled up to be a NOBLE!  Stephanie T., Lindsay O., Bradley M., Baylie S., Darcy A., Kayla A., Kaeleigh J., Thomas N., Morgan O., Brooke H., Kaitlyn T., Jordan P., Ben J. and Emily R.

Science: Watch the video about bacteria on Edmodo and take notes to use on a future test. Click Here

Kool-Aid Play Dough


2 1/2 cups flour
1/2 cup salt
2 (4g) packages unsweetened Kool-Aid powdered drink mix
2 cups boiling water
3 tablespoons oil


1.   Mix flour, salt, Kool-Aid until blended
2.   Add oil to boiling water, mix with spoon until cool enough to knead.
3.   Continue kneading until color is blended.
4.   Store in air tight bag or container in the refrigerator.

Friday, March 23, 2012

March 23, 2012

Go On A Knight's Quest to Level Up


Read 20 minutes and record your time.
Planner signed
RC signed and returned Monday

Math: Make sure the review is done on pages 265-266 for the test on volume, on Monday.

Math 2:  If you were absent, do p. 259-262.  Finish answers on p. 262.  Write problem put into calculator for p. 263-264.  The picture will be worth 10 points.  Use a ruler when drawing the picture.  Due Monday, March 26.

Science 2:  Watch the video, "Bacteria" and take notes. You will be able to use your notes on a future test. Edmodo

Social Studies:  Renaissance Faire is Tuesday. You will need a simple costume. Bring your Kool-Aid play-dough on Tuesday.

Keyboarding:  Make sure that you have practiced 25 minutes this week.  You should have a total of 75 minutes of practice since parent/teacher conferences.

Mangahigh:  Congratulations to those students who have been really WORKING! We are within 300 points of making the top 10 again. If EVERYONE was doing their part, we'd be in the top 10. Synergize guys! Remember you should have a minimum of 10 Prodigi lessons completed.  Keep reading!

Costume Heads Up!  March 27 will be our Renaissance Fantasy Faire. Students will need a simple costume for the day. Look at pictures to get ideas. Any type of clothing from the Middle Ages through the Renaissance will work. (Think Robin Hood, Shakespeare, King Arthur, gypsies, princesses, peasants, etc.)  Thank you for reading the WHOLE Blog. Begin your QUEST by getting a piece of paper to record your answers as you travel through your QUEST. Go to the Technology Page.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

March 22, 2012


Read 20 minutes and record your time.
Planner signed

Math: Homework and Remembering 7-2

Math 2:  If you were absent, do p. 259-262.  Finish answers on p. 262.  Write problem put into calculator for p. 263-264.  The picture will be worth 10 points.  Use a ruler when drawing the picture.  Due Monday, March 26.

Science:  No homework.

Science 2:  Watch a video clip on Edmodo about bacteria.

Social Studies:  Students will need some play-dough on Tuesday, March 27. They will also need a simple costume, as demonstrated, for the Renaissance Faire. Remember that if all else fails, you can dress like a monk again.  To Level Up: Make sure that you've done EVERYTHING that you've been asked to do. :D

Keyboarding:  Practice 25 minutes each week on Edutype

Mangahigh: Complete the PRODIGI lessons. Mangahigh

Costume Heads Up!  March 27 will be our Renaissance Fantasy Faire. Students will need a simple costume for the day. Look at pictures to get ideas. Any type of clothing from the Middle Ages through the Renaissance will work. (Think Robin Hood, Shakespeare, King Arthur, gypsies, princesses, peasants, etc.)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

March 21, 2012


Read 20 minutes and record your time.
Planner signed

Language Arts:  DOL Sentences #9-10 Due 3/22.  Remember to bring "Offense or Defense" to class on Thursday.

Math 2: If you were absent, do p. 259-262.  Finish answers on p. 262.  Write problem put into calculator for p. 263-264.  The picture will be worth 10 points.  Use a ruler when drawing the picture.  Due Monday, March 26.

Social Studies:  A three paragraph essay is due tomorrow. DO NOT TYPE IT! Your essay should be in your best handwriting.

Keyboarding:  Make sure that you are getting 25 minutes of practice each week. This is part of your technology grade.

Mangahigh:  Everyone should be practicing the PRODIGI  LESSONS and games.

Science:  Microscope test tomorrow. You can study/take notes on Edmodo

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

March 20, 2012

The Sound of Silence and Service- 6th Graders Participate in Monk Day (Scroll down to see some pictures.)


Read 20 minutes and record your time.
Planner signed

Reading:  Monk Day reading assignment

Language Arts:  DOL Sentences #7-8 Due: 3/21.  Comma Wkst. Due: 3/21.  Parts Of A Castle Wkst. Due: 3/21. 

Math:  Roman Numerals pg. 53

Math 2:  If you were absent, do p. 259-262.  Finish answers on p. 262.  Write problem put into calculator for p. 263-264.  The picture will be worth 10 points.  Use a ruler when drawing the picture.  Due Monday, March 26.

Social Studies:  Make sure that you type "DONE" for the assignments on Edmodo once you have completed them and turned them in to me.

Science:  Watch the video clips on Edmodo about how to use a microscope and about the different parts of a microscope. Be ready for a quiz on Wednesday.

Monday, March 19, 2012

March 19, 2012


Read 20 minutes and record your time.
Planner signed

Math:  No homework

Math 2:  If you were absent, do p. 259-262.  Finish answers on p. 262.  Write problem put into calculator for p. 263-264.  The picture will be worth 10 points.  Use a ruler when drawing the picture.  Due Monday, March 26.

Social Studies:  Remember that it's Monk Day tomorrow. Wear something over your head (hoodie/towel) and something like a bathrobe or long skirt. Come prepared to be silent and to serve others.

Science:  Watch the video clips on Edmodo about the parts of the microscope and how to use one. Make sure that you're in the Science/Math group. Take notes if you need to in order to be prepared for a quiz on Wednesday.

Language Arts:  DOL Sentences #7-8 Due: 3/21.  Comma Wkst. Due: 3/21.  Parts Of A Castle Wkst. Due: 3/21.  

Friday, March 16, 2012

March 16, 2012

6th Grade Carnival/Garage Sale - see pictures
We raised over $2100!!  


Read 20 minutes and record your time.
Planner and RC signed due Monday 3/19

Writing:  Pompeii essay due Monday 3/19

Math: Homework and Remembering 7-1/ note signed. Angle worksheet from Friday due Monday 3/19

Social Studies:  Take home knight test due Monday 3/19